Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fighting Diabetes with Supplements

If a person has diabetes, the traditional means of addressing the disease is regular exercise coupled with a conscious maintenance of one’s diet.

However, it is also possible that supplements may benefit a diabetic even more and give the person a better quality of life in the long run. There are those supplements for diabetics which will give substantial advantages but as with all good things, there will be sacrifices made-more specifically one’s comfort.

Taking one’s multivitamins seem to be too much work for some people. How would a diabetic expect to even remember taking the different recommended supplements that may help him or her with diabetes. Here are a few of those supplements:

Alpha-Lipolic Acid

This is basically found in foods such as liver, potatoes, spinach and broccoli. This is also commonly known as lipolic acid or thiotic acid. It is an antioxidant which means that it combats the cell damage that comes from free radicals which is a by-product of oxidative stress.

Since high levels of blood glucose is just one cause of oxidative stress, Alpha-Lipolic Acid (ALA) is able to counteract oxidative stress and thus normalize high blood glucose levels in a person.

Although, the principle of ALA works on paper, there is yet a big room for improvement with regard to significant scientific evidence that will support a regular dosage of ALA in diabetics. The side effects is that ALA might lower one’s blood sugar level to dangerous levels.

Another side effect is that ALA could potentially lower the blood levels of various minerals such as iron and it could dampen the effectiveness of some anti-cancer drugs. Headaches, upset stomach and skin rashes might also happen.


This is found in meats, animal fats, fish coffee, brewer’s yeast, whole-wheat and brown sugar. The marketed form of it is in the form of chromium nicotinate, chromium picolinate and chromium chloride. Although the effect of chromium might essentially lower one’s blood sugar, it is possible that chromium might overdo it.

A study that confirms the benefits of taking chromium is yet to be done. The milder side effects are mood swings, weight gain, sleep problems while other side effects might include diarrhea, bleeding into the gastrointestinal tract and vomiting. Clearly, taking this mineral must only be done under direct supervision of a doctor.

Coenzyme Q10

This is also known as ubiquinone or ubiquinol. It aids cells in the production of energy and is an antioxidant. Its effectiveness in high blood glucose levels in diabetes cases is not yet proven. Therefore it is possible that it may have uses for other conditions such as heart disease in diabetics.

Again, further studies should still be conducted in order to have a solid conclusion about the drug. Side effects of the drug are found when it interacts with other medicines which includes warfarin which is a blood thinner and medicines for cancer chemotherapy and high blood pressure. More side effects of this drug is loss of appetite, heartburn and vomiting.

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