Sunday, August 15, 2010

Complications from Diabetes

What is diabetes?

Insulin is a vital hormone in the body as it helps glucose to be properly used by the body. Without the production of the insulin, sugar will not be converted into the necessary energy resulting to diabetes– a state wherein the sugar level in the bloodstream becomes very high.

Too mush sugar in the body serves like a poison since its not working its purpose to give the necessary energy to the cells of our body. In short, the fuel becomes venomous to the body if kept to a high level.

This state is what we call diabetes.

The worst thing about diabetes, is it merely does not concern the sugar level of the body but complications originate from this illness. Short term complications include hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, keteoacidosis, and hyperosmolar syndrome. Long term complications, on the other hand, may extend to heart disease, kidney disease, neuropathy, disease of the eyes, peripheral vascular disease and so much more depending on the status of the patient.

Most common complications of diabetes:

Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the most deadly of all illnesses. It can strike anytime without a person even knowing about it. It is believed and proved people with diabetes are likely to be twice more susceptible and vulnerable to heart disease. It is not only common to diabetics but progresses quicker than for a normal person. The hardening of the arteries is swift when a person has diabetes.

Having diabetes slows down the LDL’s or low density proteins to be carried to the heart. LDL’s are essential for it carries the needed cholesterol all through out the circulatory system. The unneeded cholesterol, however, is carried back to the liver when not utilized.

Too much glucose in the body can slow down the circulation of LDLs making it sticky. Thus, cholesterol gets stuck building up on the blood vessel walls. It is for this reason, diabetics are pliable to heart attack.

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is very much related to the function of the heart. Hypertension actually adds to the workload of the heart, arteries, and kidney. Often, high blood pressure is considered to be a silent killer precisely because it cannot be detected until the moment comes.

The complication of having high blood is that it affects other parts of the body. And since the regulation of the blood is irregular for diabetics, the risk of having blood pressure is high. It’s a tandem that can cause more than heart disease but can go as far as eye, kidney, and nerve complications.


There are two most common types of diabetes. Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 usually develops by the age of 40 and is characterized by the body’s inability to produce insulin. Type 2 on the other hand, is wherein a person still produces small amount of insulin that may or may not function in the body. Most people with Type 2 diabetes are overweighted.

Studies have shown, diabetics are very prone to depression and conversely, can increase the risks of diabetes particularly with type 2 diabetes. The tediousness of monitoring one’s diabetes which include strict compliance to medications, eating habits, and constant exercise can be very overwhelming to diabetics. This overwhelmed feeling transcends to fatigue and loss of interest.

Depression gets worse as the complications increase. The routines predisposed by being a diabetic causes fatigue and lack of enthusiasm resulting to withdrawal from reality.

Depression, just like having heart disease and blood pressure is twice prompted by diabetes.

Diabetic Neuropathy

This particular complication affects the nerves of the body and may develop for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Sadly, this complication causes a great deal of pain and numbness in the body.

Since it is a long term effect of diabetes, it develops slowly making itself known after a few years. Nerve damage happens over time and this is caused by the high blood glucose levels. The longer an individual have had diabetes, the more likely he or she acquires neuropathy.

Diabetes can cause a lot of complications. These complications are a lifetime struggle, however, thorough medication and constant monitoring of one’s health can help in preventing these complications. Much more to consider, perhaps, is to discipline one’s self early on to avoid diabetes in later years.

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